Wanna play outside, but stuck for ideas here are some free boredom busters for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter...
- Garden, weed, plant, harvest, collect seeds
- Makie seed packets and pots out of folded newspapers
- Collect elderflowers to make home made syrup to drink or give as presents
- Roll down grassy hill side, or sliding on card board
- Play hide and seek or kick the bucket
- Count birds in ten minute intervals
- Host a Teddy bear picnic, or meet friends at a park
- Build a sand castle
- Fly a kite that you made
- Look up at the sky at cloud shapes and sizes
- Watch blossoms develop, daffodils open, bulbs spring up, measure grass growth, count worms in the compost heap
- Lay out spiral walking patterns on the beach using drift wood or shells or leaves on the grass in the gardens
- Make a mud pie
- Create flower arrangements, try flower saucers, trays, fairy gardens, elf gardens
- Corn dollies
- Flower crowns
- Leaf crowns
- Daisy chains
- Chalk drawings around shadows
- Shadow chasing
- Cartwheels, egg and spoon races, sack races, three legged races, potato races
- Caterpillars development in jars, feeding it and watching
- Swan plants and counting monarch chrysalises
- Pick strawberries, blue berries
- Make a hut and have picnic meals in side them
- Sleep outside under the stars on a mattress on the lawn
- Collect cones
- Make leaf and bark rubbings
- Collect walnuts, hazelnuts,edible chestnuts
- Harvest vegetables, pick apples
- Go mushrooming
- Make flower pressings
- Climb trees
- Rake leaves and hide in a piles
- Identify leaves and trees and matching nuts
- Collect flax leaves and tying them in to bundles to use as fire starters
- Making natural bird feeders out of cones,fat and seeds and hanging in trees
- Lighting a fire at South beach and cooking sausages on sticks,
- Organise a beach clean up
- Walk through puddles
- Make mud pies
- Play in the frost
- Build snow men
- Chart the temperatures
- Measure rain fall
- Card board slide in frosts at Botanic gardens
- Make beeswax candles
- Toboggan in the snow
(Big thank you to Kate Elsen and her team for submitting these awesome ideas!)