Boredom busters!

Wanna play outside, but stuck for ideas here are some free boredom busters for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter...


  1. Garden, weed, plant, harvest, collect seeds
  2. Makie seed packets and pots out of folded newspapers
  3. Collect elderflowers to make home made syrup to drink or give as presents
  4. Roll down grassy hill side, or sliding on card board
  5. Play hide and seek or kick the bucket
  6. Count birds in ten minute intervals
  7. Host a Teddy bear picnic, or meet friends at a park
  8. Build a sand castle
  9. Fly a kite that you made
  10. Look up at the sky at cloud shapes and sizes
  11. Watch blossoms develop, daffodils open, bulbs spring up, measure grass growth, count worms in the compost heap


  1. Lay out spiral walking patterns on the beach using drift wood or shells or leaves on the grass in the gardens
  2. Make a mud pie 
  3. Create flower arrangements, try flower saucers, trays, fairy gardens, elf gardens
  4. Corn dollies
  5. Flower crowns
  6. Leaf crowns
  7. Daisy chains
  8. Chalk drawings around shadows
  9. Shadow chasing
  10. Cartwheels, egg and spoon races, sack races, three legged races, potato races
  11. Caterpillars development in jars, feeding it and watching
  12. Swan plants and counting monarch chrysalises
  13. Pick strawberries, blue berries
  14. Make a hut and have picnic meals in side them
  15. Sleep outside under the stars on a mattress on the lawn


  1. Collect cones
  2. Make leaf and bark rubbings
  3. Collect walnuts, hazelnuts,edible chestnuts
  4. Harvest vegetables, pick apples
  5. Go mushrooming
  6. Make flower pressings
  7. Climb trees
  8. Rake leaves and hide in a piles 
  9. Identify leaves and trees and matching nuts
  10. Collect flax leaves and tying them in to bundles to use as fire starters


  1. Making natural bird feeders out of cones,fat and seeds and hanging in trees
  2. Lighting a fire at South beach and cooking sausages on sticks,
  3. Organise a beach clean up
  4. Walk through puddles
  5. Make mud pies
  6. Play in the frost
  7. Build snow men
  8. Chart the temperatures
  9. Measure rain fall
  10. Card board slide in frosts at Botanic gardens
  11. Make beeswax candles
  12. Toboggan in the snow

(Big thank you to Kate Elsen and her team for submitting these awesome ideas!)