Anderson Rose Garden


The Timaru Botanic Gardens also contains the Anderson Rose Garden with modern roses while a separate collection houses species roses, some of which are rare.

The Anderson Rose Garden is a small, formal rose garden within the Timaru Botanic Gardens. It features rose beds in concentric circles around a central fountain. Each bed is surrounded by a low buxus hedge and contains multiple plants of a single rose cultivar. The garden was opened in 2002. It was named in recognition of Mr Walter Anderson's contribution to horticulture and the South Canterbury landscape. Mr Anderson was Curator of Reserves for Timaru City Council from 1932 to 1956 as well as being a noted author. He is a member of the Botanists' Hall of Fame.


Timaru City Rose

Near the caretakers house is a bed of Gleniti Gold roses which were originally propagated by Arthur Bone who once had a nursery in the town.