Timaru has a vibrant red floribunda rose called 'Trumpeter' which is named after Louis Armstrong, the renowned trumpet player.
A neat compact rose with dense green, glossy foliage. Free-flowering with clusters of rounded buds that open to fully double, rich orange-red blooms with a gentle fragrance. Reliable and showy, excellent rose for mass bedding or containers.
Bred by New Zealand’s own Sam McGredy in 1977, it does well all over the world and has won many awards including the Gold Star of the South Pacific at the New Zealand Rose Society trials.
Plant name: Rosa Trumpeter (Rose Trumpeter)
Colour: Red / Orange
Habit: Upright
Est. Hgt/Wdth in 7/10 yrs: 70cm x 70cm
Foliage: Deciduous
Habit: Bushy, Compact, Upright
Awards: RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit)